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The Unruly Assembly: Exploring the Enigma of a Bunch of Laundry

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A Bunch of Laundry is a collective noun phrase that refers to a pile, collection, or group of various articles of clothing that are awaiting washing or already laundered. It encompasses different types of garments, such as shirts, pants, dresses, socks, and undergarments, all combined en masse. When people refer to a bunch of laundry, they usually imply a specific quantity or volume of clothes that require cleaning or have already undergone the laundering process. This colloquial expression is commonly used to describe the accumulation of soiled or clean clothes before they are sorted, folded, ironed, or put away.

Example sentences using Bunch of Laundry

1) I have a huge heap of clothes waiting to be washed; it's like a never-ending bunch of laundry.

2) After a long week, I was relieved to finally tackle the bunch of laundry festering in the corner.

3) The fresh scent of clean laundry filled the room as I hung up the bunch of laundry on the clothesline.

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