A Cartload of Coins refers to a substantial quantity of coins that is sufficient to fill or overload a cart. This collective noun phrase vividly encapsulates the abundance and weight that a large number of coins can bear. It alludes to the sheer volume and value of the coins, which can literally fill a cart, contributing to the impression of numerous wealth accumulated in a single place. The phrase can be metaphorical, symbolizing great fortune or immense wealth in any context where wealth is at the center of it. Whether representing the financial success of an individual or an organization, cartload of coins effectively depicts a substantial amount of currency that can potentially bring opulence and prosperous opportunities.
Example sentences using Cartload of Coins
1) The wealthy merchant bragged about the cartload of coins he earned from his successful business ventures.
2) As the thieves overheard him, they plotted to steal the cartload of coins from under his nose.
3) The villagers marveled at the sight of the cartload of coins, never having seen such wealth before in their humble community.