A swarm of cluelessness is simply a sight to behold. As an intriguing collective noun, it encapsulates the essence of ignorance, befuddlement, and overall bewilderment. Picture a group of people aimlessly wandering, utterly devoid of guidance, searching for answers that remain perpetually elusive. Whether it be a cluster of individuals lost in a maze of personal ignorance or a congregation of learners desperately seeking insight, this collective noun exposes the lack of knowledge permeating their very presence. The word "cluelessness" denotes the shared state of clueless beings, offering a poetic understanding of how one's void of understanding can intertwine and grow collectively. It serves as a metaphorical reminder of the vastness of our collective shared experiences, illuminating those bewildering journeys we all undertake in pursuit of enlightenment. So, summon the mental image of a swarm of cluelessness periodically maneuvering its way through life's enigmatic complexities, sending shock waves of puzzlement wherever they wander.
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