Collective noun examples with the word "crank" refer to groups of people or animals sharing a common characteristic or being involved in a particular activity. The term "crank" represents a collective noun referring to such groups. These collective nouns highlight specific scenarios or attributes related to the distinctive behavior or characteristic of the individuals forming these groups. Common occurrences include:
1. A crank of cyclists: This collective noun represents a group of bicyclists bound together by their passion for riding. It suggests a group ride or club activity where like-minded individuals come together to cycle and share their love for this sport.
2. A crank of revolutionaries: This collective noun portrays a group of individuals gathered to advocate or participate in a significant political, social, or transformative movement. The term "crank" implies a shared determination to challenge convention, often driven by a desire for radical change.
3. A crank of grumblers: This collective noun depicts a group of people commonly expressing dissatisfaction or complaints. Suggesting individuals who continuously voice their grievances, the adjective "crank" furthers the idea of their grouse and discontent.
4. A crank of squirrels: This collective noun describes a gathering of squirrels exhibiting a particular pattern of behavior, such as the gathering or hoarding of nuts during the fall season. It emphasizes their energetic nature and noticeable actions related to obtaining and storing food.
5. A crank of mechanics: This collective noun portrays a group of skilled individuals proficient in fixing machinery, engines, or vehicles. Highlighting their expertise and specialization, the term "crank" symbolizes their ability to repair parts or systems crucial for machines' proper functionality.
These collective nouns demonstrate how the term "crank" can be used to represent diverse groups of individuals, indicating their shared characteristic, goal, or activity. It showcases the language's potential to create imaginative and unique collective nouns that encapsulate the essence of these gatherings.
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