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Flocking Together: The Dynamic Crowd of Martins

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A Crowd of Martins is a term used to describe a group of martins, small aerial birds belonging to the swallow family. Residing predominantly in North America and Eurasia, these sociable birds often gather in large numbers during their breeding season or while communally roosting. As the term implies, a Crowd of Martins creates a diverse and vibrant spectacle, with numerous individuals darting through the air in graceful flight patterns. Their sleek bodies, pointed wings, and agile maneuvers make them impressive aerial acrobats. Depending on the species – common martins, purple martins, or other related species – their arrival and presence in a captivating Crowd cast an ethereal choreography against the sky, their distinctive plumage reflecting a play of sunlight. This collective noun phrase elicits a sense of marvel and wonder, highlighting not only the thriving biological diversity of these birds but also the spectacle of a shared experience that draws humans and nature together in appreciation.

Example sentences using Crowd of Martins

1) A crowd of Martins gathered in the park to witness the annual migration of their favored bird species.

2) The enthusiastic crowd of Martins cheered as they watched the birds soar gracefully through the sky.

3) The crowd of Martins eagerly participated in the bird-watching event, armed with binoculars and cameras to capture every moment.

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