A Host of Humans is a captivating collective noun phrase portraying gatherings or gatherings characterized by the presence of a large number of people. It encompasses an assortment of individuals coming together, united by a common purpose or interest. The usage of the word host in this phrase evokes a sense of hospitality, implying that these gatherings are warm, inviting, and often include people from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, the term Humans further emphasizes the idea that it is a conglomeration of people, highlighting the human essence and capabilities that they bring to the occasion. Whether it be a celebratory event, a societal gathering, or even a conference, a Host of Humans encapsulates the energy, interaction, and exchange that takes place when numerous individuals are unified in a shared setting.
Example sentences using Host of Humans
1) A host of humans gathered in the town square to protest for equal rights.
2) During the conference, a host of humans passionately debated the best course of action for the organization.
3) The shelter served a host of humans in need, providing them with hot meals and a warm place to sleep.