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Slumberella of Sloths: Unveiling the Charming Collective Nouns for Lazy-Bones

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A collective noun for lazy-bones is a "lounge." A lounge refers to a group or collection of lazy individuals who prefer to relax, recline, and take it easy rather than engage in productive activities. This collective term encapsulates their disposition towards leisure and idleness, as they often convene in the spirit of slumber, inactivity, and nonchalant lounging. In a lounge, time slows down, and those who gather exude a shared demeanor of procrastination and contentment with doing absolutely nothing. It is within lounges that the languid energy merges, forming an atmosphere of lethargy, where chronic daydreamers and unenthusiastic debaters converge in a haven of leisure. Their collective identity celebrates embracing life's sluggish pace, swapping tales of aimless wanderings, and exchanging notions that epitomize the carefree spirit of lazing about.

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