Collective nouns for lethargics refers to a group of individuals who lack energy, motivation, or enthusiasm in their activities. These collective nouns depict a collection or gathering of people who exhibit a general state of laziness or inaction. Just as a "pride of lions" or a "flock of birds" are conventional collective nouns, these terms can be used both humorously and descriptively to characterize a specific group of lethargic individuals.
Some potential collective nouns for lethargics could be:
1. A "slumber" of lethargics: Emphasizes the inclination of this group to spend excessive time sleeping or being inactive.
2. A "drift" of lethargics: Evokes imagery of people aimlessly drifting through life, lacking direction or purpose.
3. A "yawn" of lethargics: Highlights the common lack of enthusiasm or interest displayed by this group.
4. A "languor" of lethargics: Reflects the overall sluggishness and lethargy characterizing their demeanor and actions.
5. A "dawdle" of lethargics: Captures their tendency to move slowly or loiter, often without urgency or purpose.
6. A "nap" of lethargics: Emphasizes their preference and frequent participation in midday napping or resting.
Additionally, using such collective nouns may also serve as a playful commentary or gentle criticism on lack of productivity or drive in a humorous context.
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