A Patch of Hair refers to a specific area or grouping of hairs on a living creature, usually within the context of animals and humans. It is an inclusive term denoting a distinct section of hair that appears as a cohesive unit, whether on the body or head of the creature. This collective noun phrase suggests a particular cluster of hairs that share similar characteristics—such as color, length, texture, or style—forming a cohesive patch that stands out from surrounding areas. A patch of hair can be used to describe various features or instances, from a patch of discolored or differently textured hair on an animal's coat to a patch of scalp showing through a person's haircut or a unique arrangement of facial hair on an individual's beard. Overall, a patch of hair represents a localized, identifiable cluster of strands within the broader context of a creature's overall hair composition.
Example sentences using Patch of Hair
1) I noticed a patch of hair on his chin where the razor seemed to have missed.
2) The dog had a prominent patch of hair on its back that glistened under the sunlight.
3) She tried to cover the bald spot on her head with a patch of hair extensions.