A collective noun refers to a group or collection of people, animals, or things. With regards to the word "peck," it is usually associated with birds, specifically poultry or songbirds, using their beaks to poke or hit something. Here are some common examples of collective nouns related to the word "peck" when describing a group of birds:
1. A Peck of Chickens: This collective noun refers to a group of chickens using their beaks to peck at the ground, searching for food or scratching the surface.
2. A Peck of Crows: When crows gather in numbers, they are referred to as a peck, which aligns with their habit of using their beaks to peck at various things, including searching for food.
3. A Peck of Pigeons: Similar to chickens, pigeons are known to peck at the ground, particularly in urban areas, when searching for food. Hence, a group of pigeons can be referred to as a peck.
4. A Peck of Seagulls: Seagulls, a common sight near coastlines, often exhibit the behavior of pecking at food, as well as searching for prey in the sand or shallow water. Thus, when seagulls assemble in a group, they can be termed as a peck.
5. A Peck of Sparrows: Sparrows are small songbirds often seen in flocks, where they make use of their beaks to peck at seeds, insects, or even crumbs. Consequently, a gathering of sparrows can be called a peck.
In summary, collective nouns that incorporate the word "peck" are generally associated with various bird species that engage in pecking behavior, using their beaks for various purposes such as finding food or foraging.
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