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Discover the Fascinating World of Residue: Collective Noun Examples that Resonate

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Aa collective noun is a type of noun that refers to a group of objects, animals, or people. One intriguing collective noun category - known as a "residue" - includes terms that reflect leftover or remaining entities. Some collective nouns derived from the word residue exemplify this concept. One such example is "a residue of a crowd." This phrase denotes a small group of individuals who still remain after the majority has disbanded or left. Similar to an afterimage, a residue of a crowd captures the lingering essence of a larger gathering or bustling event. Another instance is "a residue of objects," referring to items or belongings that are left behind or remain after a specific activity or process. This includes residual parts, remnants, or remnants of a whole. Utilizing these collective nouns with the word residue creates vivid imagery and facilitates better communication by concisely referring to the aftermath or lingering components of a previous state or event.

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