A collective noun refers to a specific group or collection of individuals. When incorporating the word scorn, commonly known as a feeling of contempt or disdain, several collective noun examples come to mind. Firstly, we have "a collective of scorn," which signifies a gathering or assembly of people united by their shared scornful attitude. This collective often manifests in a sense of superiority and a tendency to look down upon others. Alternatively, one can describe "a scourge of scorn," portraying scorn as a plague or affliction shared by a particular group. This depiction often implies a force of mockery and ridicule collectively directed towards a targeted subject or group. Lastly, there is "a pit of scorn," picturing scorn as an emotional pit or deep hole. This collective represents a state of constant cynicism or contempt shared by those within the group. These examples seek to convey the notion of scorn as a collective sentiment shared by a specific group, demonstrating the interconnectedness of people's attitudes of disdain towards others or events.
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