A Throng of Humans refers to a large number of people gathered or moving together in a crowded and bustling manner. The collective noun phrase evokes an image of a dense and vibrant gathering, creating a sense of energy and commotion. In a throng of humans, individuals intertwine, their footsteps and conversations intertwining, creating a buzzing atmosphere filled with diverse voices, activities, and emotions. This depiction emphasizes the sheer magnitude and significance of a gathering where people come together, whether it be in a marketplace, stadium, concert, festival, or any other occasion that attracts a multitude of individuals. A throng of humans exemplifies human connection, social interaction, and community as people merge in a collective journey through space and time—creating a lively and captivating atmosphere.
Example sentences using Throng of Humans
1) A throng of humans flooded the streets, eager to witness the grand parade.
2) The shopping mall was filled with a throng of humans, bustling with holiday shoppers.
3) At the music festival, a throng of humans cheered and danced to the electrifying performances.