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Troubling Totals: Collective Noun Examples That Make Grammar Perplexing

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A collective noun is a term used to describe a group of people, animals, or things. When paired with the word "troubling," collective nouns evoke a sense of disturbance, concern, or unease. These collective noun examples highlight various instances where a group as a whole causes discomfort, worries, or challenges societal norms.

1. Troubling herd: This refers to a large gathering of elephants, bison, or other powerful animals moving together. Their massive size and unpredictable behavior can create anxiety or pose threats to human safety.

2. Troubling swarm: A swarm consisting of bees, locusts, or other insects can be highly alarming. Their relentless buzzing, potential for stinging or destruction of crops, and sheer numbers create a significant disturbance.

3. Troubling horde: A horde represents a vast number of wild, unruly people or creatures in motion. This term is often attributed to scenes of marauding barbarians or a troubled group of zombies moving ferociously towards a goal or target.

4. Troubling mob: A mob typically pertains to a disorderly crowd that may be manifesting anger, frustration, or violence. Their collective behavior can incite fear, promote a sense of lawlessness, and present a social disturbance or unrest.

5. Troubling assembly: An assembly signifies a gathering or congregation of people, often associated with organized causes or movements. If identified as troubling, it suggests that their intentions, ideologies, or actions disturb societal norms and values, challenging the status quo.

6. Troubling squad: A squad represents a group of individuals engaged in a collectively harmful or disruptive action. From troublemaking teenagers to organized criminals, this term encapsulates a particular unease or worry surrounding the group's behavior.

7. Troubling congregation: Congregations comprise gatherings of people coming together for various purposes, such as worship or assembly. A congregation labeled troubling implies that their beliefs, practices, or ideologies cause concern or discomfort within a community or society.

When used alongside troubling, these collective noun examples illustrate an aura of tension, disturbance, or potential harm associated with these groups. They are emotive portrayals that bring attention to situations or groups that challenge the peace and harmony of communities.

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