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Unraveling the Mystery: The Wad of Receipts and its Tales of Spending

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A Wad of Receipts refers to a mass or bundle of gathered transaction slips, commonly made of paper, that serve as proof of purchase or payment. This collective Noun Phrase is often used to portray a disorganized or haphazard collection of receipts, typically seen together due to negligence, forgetfulness, or lack of a proper filing system. It suggests a mound of crumpled or folded papers that are accumulated over time, possibly scattered on a desk, crammed into a drawer, or hastily thrown into a bag or pocket. The phrase invokes a sense of disorder, clutter, and perhaps even owed reimbursements or unreconciled expenditures.

Example sentences using Wad of Receipts

1) I emptied my pockets and found a wad of receipts from my recent shopping trips.

2) The wad of receipts tumbled out of the drawer as I opened it, reminding me to organize my expenses.

3) As I sorted through the wad of receipts, I realized I had forgotten to claim some of my deductions for tax purposes.

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