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A Host of Sinners: Exploring the Unity and Diversity Within Humanity’s Imperfections

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A Host of Sinners is a collective noun phrase that evocatively portrays a collective group or gathering of individuals who are viewed as morally or ethically wayward. The term host here signifies a large number or multitude, often indicating a perceptibly overwhelming quantity when associated with sinners. The phrase signifies a collection of people characterized as straying from societal or religious norms, engaging in actions or behaviors that are condemned or deemed inappropriate or morally reprehensible by the prevailing moral standards. The descriptor sinners further emphasizes their alleged transgressions, positioning them as morally accountable or responsible for their actions. The phrase encapsulates a broad spectrum of individuals engaging in behaviors that vary in their perceived severity or social acceptance. Comprising people from various walks of life, professions, or backgrounds, a Host of Sinners epitomizes diversity when it comes to transgressions against a shared set of moral or ethical codes. This collective noun phrase does not imply uniformity in the types of sins committed by its members. It encompasses a wide range of offenses, which can include moral failings, deceit, dishonesty, greed, adultery, addiction, violence, plagiarism, or any other acts deemed as morally or socially contingent edicts consider inappropriate. The term Host of Sinners invokes various emotions and connotations upon use, such as a sense of moral superiority and judgment from others who deem themselves virtuous or ascribing to a stricter moral compass. Nevertheless, it is essential to note that the phrase does not imply any redemption, forgiveness, or path towards salvation for its members. Rather, it serves as a descriptive term highlighting and fostering societal notions of accountability and moral judgment within a collective realm. Overall, the collective noun phrase Host of Sinners conveys a sense of community residing outside the expected moral bounds, consisting of individuals who are often perceived negatively due to their actions or behaviors.

Example sentences using Host of Sinners

1) A host of sinners gathered at the local church to seek redemption.

2) The pastor addressed the host of sinners with words of compassion and forgiveness.

3) Despite their past mistakes, the host of sinners were determined to turn their lives around and find solace within the congregation.

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