A Brood of Turkeys refers to a group of turkeys that is closely associated, typically consisting of a male turkey (known as a tom), several female turkeys (known as hens), and their offspring. This collective noun phrase not only captures the familial bond between the parents and their young, but also signifies the protective nature of these birds towards their brood. Turkeys are highly social animals, and as such, they are oftentimes found sticking together in these broods, where they move, forage, and roost collectively. Within a brood of turkeys, the parental figures exhibit great care and vigilance, overseeing the safety and upbringing of their young until they attain relative independence. As the young turkeys grow, they learn fundamental survival skills from their parents and other members of the brood, building a strong foundation for a prosperous future. The term brood signifies a sense of unity, cooperation, and preservation of kinship among these fascinating birds, as they navigate their surroundings and face the challenges of the natural world together.
Example sentences using Brood of Turkeys
1) A brood of turkeys gathered in the meadow, pecking at insects and preening their feathers.
2) The brood of turkeys, consisting of a mother and her chicks, strutted proudly across the field.
3) We watched as the brood of turkeys disappeared into the thick forest, their colorful feathers blending with the autumn leaves.