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Discover the Mighty Power of Armada: Captivating Collective Noun Examples

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An armada, as a collective noun, is a term that refers to a large fleet or group of ships. Derived from the Spanish word "armada," meaning "a fleet of warships," this word evokes a sense of power, strength, and impressive magnitude. An armada typically includes vessels from naval, military, or exploratory domains, exceeding normal fleet sizes. The sheer number and coordinated movement of these ships in an armada make it a remarkable sight. The term "armada" can be used both in historical and contemporary contexts. For instance, during the Spanish Armada of 1588, King Philip II of Spain assembled a mighty armada to challenge the rule of England's Queen Elizabeth I. On a modern note, multiple nations collaborating in joint military exercises or multinational naval missions might deploy an armada to symbolize an imposing force capable of immense military capabilities. In conclusion, while an armada typically signifies a fleet or group of ships, its connotations encompass strength, grandeur, and a formidable presence on the water.

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