The phrase Bank of Elevators refers to a common and convenient organizational structure used in buildings or facilities where multiple vertical transport devices are grouped together. This concept involves a collection or group of elevators that are strategically positioned in a central location, typically near a lobby or main entrance. The Bank of Elevators functions as a unified system that efficiently serves the vertical transportation needs of the building occupants, offering optimal access to different floors. The phrase Bank of Elevators highlights the idea of a group or collection of elevators working together harmoniously, depicting an arrangement where multiple elevators are placed side by side, either in a row or stacked in different levels within an elevator shaft. This configuration allows for simultaneous operation, improving the overall efficiency of moving people or goods vertically within the building. Banks of Elevators are commonly found in high-rise buildings, airports, hotels, office complexes, and other large-scale structures where the vertical movement of people is essential. By grouping multiple elevators together, passengers benefit from reduced waiting times, as the Bank of Elevators provides improved access to various floors within the building simultaneously. The ease and practicality of operating a Bank of Elevators can be facilitated by advanced technologies, such as computerized systems that intelligently distribute elevator loads and optimize performance. This ensures smooth and efficient operation, thus minimizing delays and congestion within the elevators. In summary, the collective noun phrase Bank of Elevators describes a grouping of elevators strategically placed together to provide efficient vertical transportation services in buildings or facilities. By maximizing access and minimizing wait times, this configuration aims to improve convenience and enhance the overall productivity and experience of people moving within the space.
Example sentences using Bank of Elevators
1) The bank of elevators in the hotel were constantly busy, with people coming in and out at all hours.
2) The bank of elevators was equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring a smooth and efficient ride for the guests.
3) The bank of elevators was unusually large, spanning across three floors of the office building.