A Belt of Tunnels refers to a collection or grouping of tunnels that are interconnected or positioned closely together, creating a distinctive circular shape, reminiscent of a belt encircling an object. This collective noun phrase captures the image of multiple tunnels stretching out in various directions, forming a continuous loop or path, expanding and interweaving underground. The term belt portrays the tunnel system as an encircling band, symbolizing unity, cohesion, and a common purpose. Like a physical belt holding different elements together, these tunnels could be linked for practical reasons, such as transportation networks, mining operations, or utility infrastructure. The notion of a belt of tunnels conjures visual connotations of subterranean passageways winding, diverging, and converging, creating an interconnected network operating both independently and cohesively within a confined geographical area.
Example sentences using Belt of Tunnels
1) The railway system expanded with the construction of a belt of tunnels to connect cities efficiently.
2) The Belt of Tunnels shortened travel time significantly for commuters.
3) The engineers are proud of creating such an extensive and impressive Belt of Tunnels through challenging mountainous terrains.