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Bowls Full of Surprises: The Wonderful World of Collective Nouns for Kitchen Bowls

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Collective nouns are words used to describe a group or collection of objects, animals, or people. When it comes to bowls, there are no specific collective nouns assigned solely for this purpose, as bowls are generally considered individual items rather than subject to collective ownership. However, if we interpret the word "bowls" to mean something more specific, such as a subset of a collection of bowls, we can suggest possible collective nouns.

For a collection of mixing bowls used in a kitchen, we could refer to them as a "set" of bowls. This implies that they are physically grouped together and used collectively for culinary purposes. Additionally, a group of bowls used for rice or soups in Asian cuisines might be called an "assortment" or a "bunch" of bowls.

If we extend the interpretation to include bowls in a more metaphorical sense, as in bowls used in a sporting or recreational context, we might talk about a "pile" of bowls. This could describe the bowls stacked together after a game of bowling, or it could refer to multiple sets of bowls when playing the game of lawn bowls.

Overall, the term "collective nouns for bowls" can be applied creatively, but no commonly accepted or widely recognized collective noun specifically tailored to bowls exists within the English language.

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