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Bunch of Wires: Untangling the Intricacies of Connectivity

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A Bunch of Wires is a collective noun phrase that depicts a gathering or grouping of numerous electrical cords or cables. This phrase vividly portrays a tangled network of metallic threads, typically housed within the technology-driven environment. The wires vary in color, thickness, and purpose, ranging from power supply cables, data connectors, audiovisual cords, or intricate wiring systems found in electronic devices. The image evoked by a bunch of wires often alludes to complexity and intricacy, stirring notions of technological connectivity and interdependence. Depending on the context, a bunch of wires can be a symbol of organized system integration or represent the potential for confusion and disorder if not properly managed.

Example sentences using Bunch of Wires

1) A bunch of wires lay tangled on the floor after the power outage.

2) The technician carefully sorted through the bunch of wires, untangling and identifying each one.

3) We needed a bunch of wires to connect all the audio and video components together.

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