A collective noun is a term used to refer to a group or collection of individuals, animals, or objects. When it comes to chicks, these fluffy and adorable baby birds that have just hatched, there are a few common collective nouns used to describe them in groups.
One commonly used collective noun for chicks is a "brood". This term refers to a group of chicks hatched from eggs by a particular hen or a group of hens. A brood typically consists of numerous chicks under the care and protection of their mothers or other adult birds.
Another collective noun that can be used to describe chicks is a "clutch". Similar to a brood, a clutch refers to a group of chicks that hatched together. In the animal world, a clutch usually pertains to a group of eggs that hatched around the same time period and produces a collective offspring.
Additionally, in some rural or agricultural contexts, chicks may be referred to as a "flock". This term is more commonly associated with adult birds, particularly chickens, but also sometimes includes chicks. A flock presents a sense of togetherness, with chicks sticking together to explore their surroundings, learn from each other, and benefit from safety in numbers.
Collectively, these nouns effectively reflect the communal nature of chicks during their early development stages, emphasizing the significance of interaction and care from their mothers or the collective protection provided by an adult bird.
Brood of Chicks
A brood of chicks refers to a group of baby birds, specifically young domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, or ducks. This term is often used to describe adorable little creatures hatched from eggs while dwelling under the watchful eye of their nurtu...
Example sentence: A brood of chicks hatched in the spring and eagerly followed their mother, learning to explore the world
Chattering of Chicks
A chattering of chicks is a delightful collective noun phrase that captures the enchanting and lively nature of a group of young chicks. When these downy, feathered animals are gathered together, their exuberance can result in an adorable symphony of chir...
Example sentence: As the farmer opened the coop, a chattering of chicks immediately burst out, running around and exploring their surroundings
Clutch of Chicks
A clutch of chicks refers to a group of baby birds of various species that have recently hatched, typically within a nest or in close proximity. The phrase clutch signifies the common term for a group of eggs laid by a bird, while chicks refers to the new...
Example sentence: A clutch of chicks huddled together under the warmth of their mother's feathers
Piddle of Chicks
Piddle of Chicks is an endearing and somewhat whimsical collective noun phrase used to describe a group of young and adorable baby birds known as chicks. The word piddle evokes a sense of delight and playfulness, perfectly capturing the curious and mischi...
Example sentence: A piddle of chicks strutted proudly around the farmyard, their fluffy feathers catching the warm sunrays
Cry of Chicks
A cry of chicks is a charming and endearing collective noun phrase that refers to a group of young birds known as chicks when they vocalize together. This unique phrase aptly captures the collective squawks, peeps, and chirps of these expressive and adora...
Example sentence: As the mother hen strutted around the farm, a loud cry of chicks followed closely behind her
Cluck of Chicks
A cluck of chicks is a harmonious assembly of young and adorable chickens, capturing an endearing nature. The term cluck itself represents the distinctive and melodic sound they emit, a rhythmic chorus resonating with their innocence and playfulness, addi...
Example sentence: The cluck of chicks can be heard from the farm as they eagerly follow their mother hen
Hatch of Chicks
A hatch of chicks is a delightful sight to behold, filling our hearts with warmth and wonder. This evocative collective noun phrase refers to a group or brood of newly hatched baby chickens. Bursting forth from their fragile eggs, these fuzzy little creat...
Example sentence: A hatch of chicks gathered near the mother hen, chirping and pecking at the ground
Peep of Chicks
A peep of chicks refers to a delightful sight cherished by many: a gathering of adorable baby chickens, known as chicks. This enchanting collective noun phrase creates imagery of a scene where several small, fluffy and endlessly curious chicks bundle toge...
Example sentence: I saw a peep of chicks huddled closely under their mother's wing, seeking warmth and protection
Flock of Chicks
A flock of chicks is a collective noun phrase used to describe a group of baby chickens who are typically seen together under the care of a mother hen or a brooder. As the name suggests, the collective noun flock implies a gathering or assembly of animals...
Example sentence: As the farmer entered the barn, he was met with a delightful sight: a flock of chicks eagerly pecking at the ground
Nursery of Chicks
A nursery of chicks is a delightful and heartwarming collective noun phrase that refers to a group of young and adorable baby birds. The term nursery highlights the birds' spirited and innocent nature, resembling a bustling preschool filled with chirping ...
Example sentence: A nursery of chicks huddled together under the warmth of the mother hen's feathers
Cuddle of Chicks
A Cuddle of Chicks is a delightful and heartwarming collective noun phrase that captures the essence of the fluffy, playful, and endearing nature of young chicks. When used to refer to a group of chicks, this expression evokes feelings of warmth, tenderne...
Example sentence: The farmer came across a cuddle of chicks hidden under a bush in the pasture
Fluff of Chicks
A fluff of chicks is a delightful collective noun phrase used to describe a group of young chickens that are just coming into their cute, adorable fluffiness. This term perfectly captures the essence of these baby birds, as they are known for their soft a...
Example sentence: As I walked into the farm, I was greeted by a fluffy and vibrant fluff of chicks, eagerly chirping and pecking around
Cluster of Chicks
A cluster of chicks is a charming and endearing collective noun phrase used to describe a gathering of baby chickens. It vividly brings to mind an image of a cozy and lively group of fluffy, yellow chicks huddled closely together. These energetic and curi...
Example sentence: A cluster of chicks could be seen congregating near the feeding trough, pecking at the scattered grains
Group of Chicks
A group of chicks is an enchanting sight, characterized by its tender and endearing essence. This collective noun phrase refers to a gathering of young and lively chickens, their amiable behavior exhibited collectively, radiating an air of curiosity, misc...
Example sentence: A group of chicks was seen hopping and pecking around in the farmyard, delighting onlookers with their fluffy feathers
Gathering of Chicks
A gathering of chicks refers to a magical sight - an adorable and endearing display of young, fluffy and energetic birds congregating together. This collective noun phrase perfectly encapsulates the charm and innocence associated with a group of baby chic...
Example sentence: A gathering of chicks huddled together under their mother's warm wings, seeking comfort and protection
Nest of Chicks
A nest of chicks refers to a group or collective nouns for a bunch of baby birds, specifically those belonging to breed species such as hens or ducks. The term nest symbolizes both a physical structure in which these young birds are born and raised, as we...
Example sentence: The mother hen watched proudly as her nest of chicks chirped and scurried around, brimming with lively energy
Bevy of Chicks
A bevy of chicks is a charming and endearing collective noun phrase that depicts a group of young and adorable female birds, specifically referring to small, fluffy, and sweet baby chickens. The term bevy exudes warmth and liveliness, suggesting a delight...
Example sentence: Yesterday, I saw a bevy of chicks walking down the street with their mother hen, taking small strides as they excitedly explored their surroundings
Assembly of Chicks
An assembly of chicks is an enchanting sight, reminiscent of a joyful gathering that warms the heart with its inherent innocence and curiosity. This endearing collective noun phrase refers to a group of young birds, tiny and resilient, exploring the fasci...
Example sentence: An assembly of chicks was gathered near the nursery, chirping and pecking at grains scattered on the ground
Troupe of Chicks
A troupe of chicks is an endearing and energetic collective noun phrase that beautifully captures the nature of these adorable young birds. Imagine a lively group bustling and frolicking together; that's a troupe of chicks. This phrase is used to refer to...
Example sentence: The troupe of chicks rehearsed diligently for their upcoming dance performance
Squadron of Chicks
A squadron of chicks refers to a lively group of young, typically newborn, birds known as chicks. The word squadron implies a sense of organization, unity, and purposefulness within this particular assemblage. Similar to military terminology, the use of s...
Example sentence: The squadron of chicks huddled closely together under the warmth of their mother's protective wings
Crowd of Chicks
A crowd of chicks is a whimsical and endearing collective noun phrase that refers to a group of adorable baby chickens. Picture yourself amidst a bustling farmyard or a delightful nature scene, surrounded by an exuberant gathering of chicks. This charisma...
Example sentence: The yard was filled with a lively crowd of chicks, peeping and chirping as they scampered around
Bunch of Chicks
Bunch of Chicks is a collective noun phrase that refers to a group of young female chickens. It represents a lively assembly as these cute and chirpy birds gather together, promoting a sense of camaraderie and playfulness. The dynamics of a bunch of chick...
Example sentence: At the farm, there is a bunch of chicks roaming around freely, exploring their new surroundings
Handful of Chicks
A handful of chicks is a vivid and charming collective noun phrase used to identify a small group of young female birds. This delightful expression vividly captures the image of a handful of fragile and fluffy baby chickens, evoking a sense of playfulness...
Example sentence: A handful of chicks were happily pecking around in the backyard
Basket of Chicks
A basket of chicks refers to a charming and delightful collective configuration of young chickens. Picture a quaint woven basket artistically filled with these fuzzy, fluffy, and endearing baby birds, evoking a sense of innocence and playfulness. This ple...
Example sentence: A basket of chicks was chirping happily while they hopped and played together
Bundle of Chicks
A bundle of chicks is a lively and endearing collective noun phrase that evokes a heartwarming image of a group of young poultry in their adorable starting stage of life. Reflecting their vulnerability, curiosity, and sprightly nature, this term beautiful...
Example sentence: A bundle of chicks huddled together for warmth under the heat lamp
Cloud of Chicks
A cloud of chicks is an endearing term used to describe a large group of adorable baby birds, specifically chickens. This collective noun phrase conjures up the image of fluffy yellow chicks frolicking together in an open meadow, with their soft chirping ...
Example sentence: As the farmer entered the coop, a cloud of chicks greeted him with their adorable peeps and fluffy feathers
Puff of Chicks
A puff of chicks is a whimsical and charming way to describe a collection or group of young birds. This collective noun phrase paints a vivid picture of softness, fluffiness, and delicate beauty, synonymous with the appearance and behavior of baby chicks....
Example sentence: As I watched the mother hen lead the way, a puff of chicks followed closely behind, their tiny fluffy bodies bobbing with each step
Parade of Chicks
A parade of chicks refers to a delightful sight of baby chickens parading together in a long, vibrant row. It evokes an image of small fluffy creatures, bursting with energy, joyfully hopping and waddling in a synchronized motion. A parade of chicks symbo...
Example sentence: I watched as a parade of chicks made their way across the farm, their fluffy feathers bobbing with every step
Batch of Chicks
A batch of chicks refers to a gathering or assembly of young female birds, particularly those of the chicken species or other domesticated fowls. This collective noun phrase is commonly used when describing a large group of baby chicks or newly-hatched po...
Example sentence: The farmer brought in a batch of chicks to the Henhouse
Set of Chicks
A set of chicks refers to a group of baby birds, specifically those belonging to the chicken family or any other bird species. These adorable and energetic creatures exude a sense of playfulness and curiosity as they peck their way around their habitat, d...
Example sentence: A set of chicks nested in the coop, their bright yellow feathers fluttering in the breeze
Party of Chicks
A party of chicks is a delightful and energetic collective noun phrase used to describe a group of young female chickens. Like a gathering of vibrant and playful souls, a party of chicks creates a lively atmosphere wherever they go. These sprightly social...
Example sentence: The party of chicks huddled together under the tree, chirping and pecking at the ground
Team of Chicks
A team of chicks is a stunning and spirited gathering of young female athletes, united by their passion, determination, and camaraderie. These feisty and formidable ladies come together to take on various challenges, on or off the field, nurturing their i...
Example sentence: The team of chicks gathered around the incubator, peeping and chirping in unison
Horde of Chicks
A horde of chicks is an enchanting collective noun phrase used to describe a group of lovely and adorable young female birds. It brings to mind an image of fluttering feathers, endless chirping, and vibrant energy as these delightful creatures scurry toge...
Example sentence: A horde of chicks hurriedly made their way across the meadow, their tiny steps creating a soft patter
Collection of Chicks
A collection of chicks refers to a group of young or baby birds, specifically baby chickens. This collective noun phrase typically conjures up an image of a group of small, fluffy and adorable creatures prominently found in a farmyard or a barn. The term ...
Example sentence: I saw a collection of chicks pecking at the ground in the barnyard
Tuft of Chicks
A tuft of chicks refers to a charming, lively, and adorable collective noun phrase used to describe a group of young chickens. The word tuft gives the imagery of a fluffy, soft bunch of chicks huddled closely together. With their endearing chirping and en...
Example sentence: As I walked through the barn, I spotted a tuft of chicks huddled together in the corner, chirping playfully
Choir of Chicks
A choir of chicks is a whimsical and endearing collective noun phrase used to describe a gathering of young birds, specifically chicks. This expression combines the images of these cute and lively infant birds with the melodic harmony often associated wit...
Example sentence: The choir of chicks chirped harmoniously, filling the air with their sweet melodies
Fringe of Chicks
A fringe of chicks is a fascinating and adorable collective noun phrase that refers to a group of young, fluffy, and lively birds commonly known as chicks. In this context, the term fringe captures the dynamic and bustling nature of these clusters of juve...
Example sentence: I spotted a fringe of chicks running happily in the meadow, their fluffy yellow feathers contrasting with the vibrant green grass
Ruffle of Chicks
A ruffle of chicks is a delightful and endearing collective noun phrase used to describe a group or gathering of adorable young birds. Typically referring to baby chickens or small ducks, this expression perfectly captures the whimsical and charming natur...
Example sentence: As the farmer entered the coop, a ruffle of chicks immediately fluttered towards him, chirping eagerly for their morning feed
Crew of Chicks
A crew of chicks refers to a collection or group of young female chickens that are typically reared together. This collective noun phrase conveys a sense of unity, camaraderie, and shared purpose within the chick community. The use of the word crew sugges...
Example sentence: The crew of chicks carefully hopped and pecked their way through the yard, searching for tasty worms
Bed of Chicks
A bed of chicks is a captivating collective noun phrase that evokes an image of the utmost tenderness and delicate beauty found within the animal world. Assembled to describe a group of young hatchlings of various bird species, the phrase conjures images ...
Example sentence: Visiting the farm, I was elated to see a fluffy bed of chicks all cooped up