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Clutches, broods, and flocks: Exploring the Whimsical World of Collective Nouns for Chicks

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A collective noun is a term used to refer to a group or collection of individuals, animals, or objects. When it comes to chicks, these fluffy and adorable baby birds that have just hatched, there are a few common collective nouns used to describe them in groups.

One commonly used collective noun for chicks is a "brood". This term refers to a group of chicks hatched from eggs by a particular hen or a group of hens. A brood typically consists of numerous chicks under the care and protection of their mothers or other adult birds.

Another collective noun that can be used to describe chicks is a "clutch". Similar to a brood, a clutch refers to a group of chicks that hatched together. In the animal world, a clutch usually pertains to a group of eggs that hatched around the same time period and produces a collective offspring.

Additionally, in some rural or agricultural contexts, chicks may be referred to as a "flock". This term is more commonly associated with adult birds, particularly chickens, but also sometimes includes chicks. A flock presents a sense of togetherness, with chicks sticking together to explore their surroundings, learn from each other, and benefit from safety in numbers.

Collectively, these nouns effectively reflect the communal nature of chicks during their early development stages, emphasizing the significance of interaction and care from their mothers or the collective protection provided by an adult bird.


Brood of Chicks

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Example sentence: A brood of chicks hatched in the spring and eagerly followed their mother, learning to explore the world



Chattering of Chicks

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Example sentence: As the farmer opened the coop, a chattering of chicks immediately burst out, running around and exploring their surroundings



Clutch of Chicks

A clutch of chicks refers to a group of baby birds of various species that have recently hatched, typically within a nest or in close proximity. The phrase clutch signifies the common term for a group of eggs laid by a bird, while chicks refers to the new...

Example sentence: A clutch of chicks huddled together under the warmth of their mother's feathers



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Example sentence: As the mother hen strutted around the farm, a loud cry of chicks followed closely behind her



Cluck of Chicks

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Example sentence: The cluck of chicks can be heard from the farm as they eagerly follow their mother hen



Hatch of Chicks

A hatch of chicks is a delightful sight to behold, filling our hearts with warmth and wonder. This evocative collective noun phrase refers to a group or brood of newly hatched baby chickens. Bursting forth from their fragile eggs, these fuzzy little creat...

Example sentence: A hatch of chicks gathered near the mother hen, chirping and pecking at the ground



Peep of Chicks

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Example sentence: I saw a peep of chicks huddled closely under their mother's wing, seeking warmth and protection



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Example sentence: As the farmer entered the barn, he was met with a delightful sight: a flock of chicks eagerly pecking at the ground



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Example sentence: A nursery of chicks huddled together under the warmth of the mother hen's feathers

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