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Clutch of Young: Unveiling the Power and Potential of a Lively Batch

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A Clutch of Young is a lovely collective noun phrase that refers to a group of baby animals, typically birds and reptiles, or even baby marsupials like kangaroos. The term clutch describes the action of these animals being born from eggs or being born in multiples. Usually used in the context of animals, a clutch of young signifies the offspring hatching from eggs and entering the world together or multiple miniature animals being born into the same family or group. The phrase evokes a sense of adorable vulnerability and innocence as these tiny creatures bravely navigate their new environment, relying on their parents or caretakers for protection and guidance. Observation of a clutch of young often gives people a chance to glimpse the wonders of nature and witness the responsibilities and care exhibited by these nurturing parents as they raise their offspring.

Example sentences using Clutch of Young

1) The mother lioness guided her clutch of young cubs through the tall grass of the savannah.

2) The clutch of young ducks eagerly followed their mother as they made their way across the pond.

3) The proud peacock strutted around with its clutch of young chicks close behind, showing off their vibrant colors.

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