Collective nouns are specially created words to group together similar items or beings. When it comes to coins, there are a few collective nouns that can be used to represent a collection or group of coins. One commonly used collective noun for coins is a "hoard." This term is often employed when referring to a large amount of coins discovered or accumulated, highlighting their vast quantity. Alternatively, the noun "collection" can also be used to refer to a group of coins that have been purposefully gathered or assembled, such as a personal collection of rare or historic coins. Whether collected or discovered together, coins can form a hoard or collection, uniting their individual value and historical significance into a collective whole.
A roll of coins refers to a group of identical, cylindrical-shaped coins that are tightly wrapped and secured together in a paper or plastic wrapper for convenience in transportation and storage. The coins typically have the same face value and are organi...
Example sentence: I have a roll of coins left from my trip to the laundromat
A rouleau of coins refers to a grouping or collection of coins that have been tightly rolled or wrapped together in a cylindrical form. This cohesive formation helps in easy handling, storage, and transportation of multiple coins at once. Typically, this ...
Example sentence: I needed change for the vending machine, so I grabbed a rouleau of coins from my piggy bank
A collection of coins refers to a group or assembly of various coins that are amassed or gathered together. This collective noun phrase epitomizes the beauty and value that are intrinsic to the world of numismatics, enticing both historians and coin enthu...
Example sentence: A collection of coins that spanned several centuries and countries was on display at the museum
A pile of coins refers to a gathering or accumulation of numerous metallic coins that have been stacked or heaped together. This collective noun phrase vividly describes an assembly of various coins, typically differing in shape, size, and denomination, w...
Example sentence: I knocked over a pile of coins and they scattered all over the floor
A cache of coins refers to a collection or hoard of valuable currency units that are kept or stored in one place. It is a term commonly used to describe a significant accumulation of coins, usually composed of various denominations, which may be historica...
Example sentence: She found a cache of coins buried in her backyard while planting trees
A chest of coins refers to a captivating collection of fabulous treasure, where an assortment of gleaming and precious coins have been skillfully gathered and secured within a magnificently crafted chest. Exhibiting time-honored denominations hailing from...
Example sentence: The greedy pirate had a chest of coins hidden deep within the island
A stack of coins refers to a group of individual coins that are neatly arranged on top of each other, creating a tall, vertical structure. The coins can be identical in size and denomination or can represent a collection of various currencies and values. ...
Example sentence: I carefully counted the value of the stack of coins before depositing them into my piggy bank
A pocket of coins refers to a specific grouping or collection of coins, colloquially designated as the coins that are typically found together within a single pocket or container. This collective noun phrase alludes to the idea of compactness, with the po...
Example sentence: I found a pocket of coins while cleaning out an old jacket
A bag of coins is a collective noun phrase that refers to a grouping or assemblage of various types of coins, often contained within a bag or pouch. Such a bag can comprise coins of different values, denominations, or even currencies, creating a diverse a...
Example sentence: The treasure hunter carried a heavy bag of coins he had discovered amidst the ruins
A trove of coins refers to a collection or cache of coins often found hidden or preserved over time. This phrase evokes imagery of a treasure trove filled with shimmering metallic discs, each with its own unique design and historical significance. Imagine...
Example sentence: The treasure hunters unearthed a trove of coins hidden deep underground