A Coven of Demons refers to a unique assemblage of wicked supernatural entities steeped in darkness and malevolence. This collective noun phrase describes a gathering of these infernal beings, drawn together through their common pursuit of imbuing fear, intimidating humanity, and corrupting souls. Similar to a secretive organization with its own eerie hierarchy, the term coven infers connotations of occult rituals, adorned with symbols of arcane knowledge. Within their macabre congregation, demons, each possessing unique and terrifying powers, intertwine their essence to amplify their sinister influence. The term captures an aura of danger, black magic, and a relentless thirst for evildoing, leaving those unfortunate enough to encounter a coven of demons in a state of fear, trepidation, and ultimate confrontation against wickedness itself.
Example sentences using Coven of Demons
1) The coven of demons gathered in the dark forest, their sinister presence sending shivers down the spine of anyone who passed through.
2) The dark energy emanating from the coven of demons was palpable and filled the air with an eerie unease.
3) As the moonlight filtered through the trees, the coven of demons began their unholy ritual, chanting in unison under the cover of night.