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Drove of Migrants: Understanding the Dynamics and Challenges of Massive Migration

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A Drove of Migrants refers to a large group or gathering of individuals who have migrated or are in the process of migrating from their native country or region to another place. The collective noun phrase drove signifies the sheer magnitude and intensity of movement observed within this group. Migrants of diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and circumstances come together in pursuit of various objectives such as seeking better opportunities, escaping conflict or persecution, or forming new communities abroad. A drove of migrants can garner attention due to their collective efforts, highlighting the global phenomenon of migration and the complexities surrounding such mass movements.

Example sentences using Drove of Migrants

1) A drove of migrants eagerly crossed the border in search of better lives and opportunities.

2) The drove of migrants, weary from their long journey, rested in make-shift shelters.

3) The authorities provided necessary aid and support to the drove of migrants, ensuring their safety and well-being.

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