A Flock of Peasants is a collective noun phrase used to describe a group of individuals belonging to the lower social class or agricultural workers living in rural areas. This phrase signifies a gathering or congregation of peasants who often share a common way of life, their livelihood significant-ceilings on subsistence farming and manual labor. Typically, a flock of peasants can be seen working in the fields, tending to livestock, or engaged in rural activities within close-knit communities, reflecting their collective reliance on agrarian practices and their shared hardships and struggles. This term emphasizes the unity and cohesion among peasants, whether they are collaborating on farming tasks, celebrating cultural traditions, or advocating for their rights and interests. Overall, a flock of peasants conveys a sense of community and resilience within the challenging social and economic context of peasant life.
Example sentences using Flock of Peasants
1) The Flock of Peasants descended upon the fields, ready to toil away under the scorching sun.
2) With their tools in hand, the Flock of Peasants worked tirelessly to harvest the crops, their unity and cooperation evident in every act.
3) As the sun set, the Flock of Peasants returned to their humble homes, grateful for the fruits of their labor.