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Hiding in Plain Sight: Unmasking Exercise of Collective Nouns through Examples

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A collective noun is a type of noun that refers to a group of people, animals, or things. The word "hide" can be used to describe a specific group gathering or collective activity. There are a few examples of collective nouns where "hide" is employed to represent a collective group:

1. A herd of buffalo hides: In this context, "hide" refers to a large group or gathering of buffalo, typically found roaming in grasslands. It emphasizes the massiveness and unity of the group.

2. A stack of hides: Commonly used in the leather industry, "hide" signifies a collection or grouping of animal hides that have been processed and prepared for manufacturing into products such as clothing, furniture, or accessories.

3. A hideout of spies: A "hideout" involves a secretive group of spies gathering to plan their activities or seek refuge. The word "hide" denotes that these individuals work collectively and discreetly, often acting and operating within hidden locations or societies.

4. A pack of hunters' hides: This term typically refers to those skilled in hunting or seeking shelter while in the wilderness. The collective noun "hides" implies a group of hunters temporarily residing and hiding in a certain spot, waiting to pursue their prey.

5. A den of criminals' hides: In referencing a group of criminals, "hide" in this collective noun emphasizes their tendency to retreat or hide from authorities while committing illicit activities. This term portrays them as a secretive, organized collective unit engaged in unlawful behavior.

Overall, the collective noun examples using "hide" introduce various groups and activities where individuals gather or function together for a common purpose or disguise. These words highlight the essence of unity, sharing, or clandestine organization within the specific contexts they represent.

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