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A Horde of Relatives: Unraveling the Ties That Bind

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A Horde of Relatives refers to a large and diverse group of family members who come together during gatherings or occasions. This collective noun phrase portrays a multitude of blood relatives, ranging from immediate family members such as parents, siblings, and children, to extended relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws. The word horde suggests a significant number of people, sometimes overwhelming in size, making it indicative of a lively gathering. As the word horde also connotes a sense of unity and bond, this phrase implies that despite their vast numbers, these relatives share a common thread of familial ties, shared experiences, and interconnectedness. Whether in celebrations, reunions, or simply coming together for support, a horde of relatives represents the complexity, diversity, and strength of familial connections, creating an atmosphere of warmth, love, and belonging.

Example sentences using Horde of Relatives

1) During the holiday season, a horde of relatives descended upon our house, filling every nook and cranny with their laughter and joy.

2) The horde of relatives gathered around the dining table, swapping stories and sharing memories of years gone by.

3) It was quite an overwhelming sight, witnessing the horde of relatives coming together to celebrate and create new cherished memories.

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