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Hutch of Rabbits: An Adorable Bonds and Burrows

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A Hutch of Rabbits refers to a group or collection of rabbits housed together in a suitable enclosure or hutch. This collective noun phrase is commonly used to describe a specific gathering or community of rabbits in their domesticated setting. In a hutch, rabbits often thrive and enjoy the company of other members of their kind. The term hutch typically indicates a structure designed to provide shelter, protection, and limited space for rabbits to comfortably live together. Hutch-dwelling rabbits can be seen as an organized and interconnected society, each individual contributing to the dynamic interplay within the group. A hutch of rabbits usually conveys an image of cuddly furballs huddled together, nibbling on fresh vegetables, grooming one another, or engaging in playful antics. This collective noun phrase epitomizes these clever, agile, and social animals as an adorable and delightful sight to behold.

Example sentences using Hutch of Rabbits

1) Today, I went to visit my friend's farm and saw a hutch of rabbits hopping around the yard.

2) The hutch of rabbits were of various sizes, with their fluffy fur shining under the sun.

3) As I approached, the hutch of rabbits stopped munching on grass and stared at me with their twitching noses.

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