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The Elusive Knob of Toilets: Discerning a Group’s Usual Greetings

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A Knob of Toilets refers to a group or cluster of toilets arranged together in a particular setting, such as public restrooms, airports, or recreational facilities. The term knob indicates a characteristic feature in these spaces: the singular or multiple control handles (knobs) that operate the flushing mechanism for each toilet. This phrase signifies a gathering of toilets sharing a common function and space in an organized manner. Creating convenience and accessibility for the users, a knob of toilets allows multiple individuals to attend their sanitary needs simultaneously while also maintaining a sense of privacy and separation. These collectives of toilets are typically seen in locations where large numbers of people are anticipated, ensuring a practical and convenient place for personal hygiene in public settings.

Example sentences using Knob of Toilets

1) A janitor was assigned the task of cleaning a whole knob of toilets in a busy shopping mall.

2) The maintenance crew were dreading the day they had to replace an entire knob of toilets that were continuously malfunctioning.

3) The contractor was responsible for installing a new knob of toilets in the newly constructed office building.

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