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Leaping into the World of Collective Nouns: Fascinating Examples for Every Leap of Animals

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A collective noun is used to refer to a group of people, animals, or things. When it comes to the world of animals, one fascinating example is the collective noun "leap." Leap is commonly used to describe a group of certain animals characterized by their astonishing ability to propel and soar through the air.

The most iconic instance of a leap as a collective noun lies within the realm of majestic, agile, and astoundingly athletic creatures, known as "leopards". These magnificent big cats are finely tuned for stealth and hunting, displaying their remarkable athleticism with every elegant movement. When a group of leopards congregates or hunts together, they are referred to as a "leap of leopards".

Another animal group that demonstrates the tremendous leaping ability for which they are renowned is a collective of "frogs". Observe a pond or wetland filled with these small amphibian creatures, and witness their synchronized and graceful leaps. A multitude of frogs leaping in their distinctive way is referred to as a "leap of frogs".

The natural world is incredibly diverse and rich with examples of leaping animals. A particularly enchanting collective noun in this regard can be found in describing a gathering of "rabbits". Evoking images of a lively warren, a leap of rabbits showcases their expertly crafted leaps and hops, an integral part of their swift movements in meadows and burrow systems.

Lastly, we find ourselves leaping into the avian world with the astonishing group that is famously known as a "leap of salmon". Salmon, unlike most other members of its fishy counterparts, displays an extraordinary behavior of leaping against currents and clear water or obstacles as part of their journey upstream to breed. This self-propelled motion, combined with the mass aggregation during their migration, has coined the delightful collective noun, a leap of salmons.

In conclusion, collective nouns with the word "leap" are fantastic examples of the diverse animal kingdom. They encompass graceful predators, agile amphibians, frisky mammals, and even aquatic marvels. Apppreciating these collective nouns reveals the depth of animals' unique characteristics and their captivating behaviors within their specific groups.

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