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From Ants to Armies: Legion, the Mighty Collective Noun Examples

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Legion is often used as a collective noun to refer to a large, extensive, or vast group of people or objects. Derived from the Latin word "legio," which historically referred to a military unit in ancient Rome, it conveys a sense of multitude or overwhelming presence. The imagery associated with the word 'legion' often implies a forceful, cohesive, and influential entity.

Examples of collective nouns with the word 'legion' demonstrate its attribution to various domains:

1. Legion of fans: Referring to a vast number of devoted supporters or admirers of a particular actor, team, band, or public figure. These fans are united by their love and enthusiasm, forming an extraordinary display of dedication and loyalty.

2. Legion of soldiers: Depicting a powerful contingent of armed forces. The term "legion" in this context highlights the cohesion, strength, and organization crucial for military operations, creating a unified and powerful fighting force.

3. Legion of superheroes: Representing a collection of exceptional and extraordinary individuals equipped with incredible abilities, united to fight against evil or protect humanity.

4. Legion of followers: Describing a vast number of individuals who adhere to a shared belief system or religious following. This collective noun emphasizes the commitment, passion, and dedication of the members to their shared principles.

5. Legion of insects: Depicting a numerous and overwhelming swarm of insects like ants or locusts that move together meticulously to accomplish tasks like successfully building colonies or causing widespread agricultural damage.

Each usage of the collective noun "legion" conveys a sense of magnitude and unified presence, emphasizing the strength, influence, and coordination of the group.

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