A collective noun refers to a group of individuals or things. When it comes to describing groups of things associated with malice, here are some examples:
1. A conspiracy of malice: This evokes a group of people coming together with a shared intent to harm or sabotage someone or something, often secretly and with ill-will.
2. A lurking of malice: This collective noun paints a vivid picture of a group of individuals patiently and stealthily waiting for the opportunity to cause harm or be malicious.
3. A cloud of malice: This metaphorical collective noun reflects the collective negative energy or spitefulness surrounding a particular individual, situation, or place.
4. A swarm of malice: This collective noun describes a large number of people or things behaving aggressively or maliciously, having the ability to spread negativity or harm.
5. A cacophony of malice: Taking inspiration from its audio counterpart, this collective noun refers to a group of individuals expressing their malice through verbal attacks, showcasing a particular discord of harmful intentions.
6. An infestation of malice: This collective noun conveys the idea of a surge or proliferation of intent to cause harm, emphasizing the pervasive and contagious nature of malicious acts.
7. A congregation of malice: Using religion as a metaphor, this collective noun symbolizes a gathering or assembly of individuals sharing cruel intent, implying a sort of devotion or unity in their malice.
In summary, collective nouns related to malice can be used creatively to describe groups of individuals or things expressing destructive intent or displaying malevolent behaviors.
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