A Mob of Peasants is a descriptive collective noun phrase that refers to a group of common people or lower-class workers who are typically associated with rural or agricultural settings. It evokes a sense of solidarity and collectiveness, emphasizing the gathering of individuals united by shared socio-economic conditions. The term mob suggests a large number of individuals bustling together, potentially reflecting their engagement in protest or revolt to express their grievances against oppressive systems or harsh living conditions. Peasants, on the other hand, signifies individuals engaged in subsistence farming or manual labor, emphasizing their simplicity, hardworking nature, and humble socio-economic status. When these two words are combined, mob of peasants, the phrase conjures up imagery of a gathering of spirited commoners, potentially encountering a common challenge or advocating for their rights as a unified force. It captivates the essence of their resilience, determination, and solidarity in fighting for better living conditions, fair treatment, or social change. It is a term that can be evocative and powerful in its depiction of the struggles and resilience of common people throughout history.
Example sentences using Mob of Peasants
1) The mob of peasants marched through the streets demanding fair wages and working conditions.
2) The loud and unruly mob of peasants disrupted the quiet countryside with their chants and protests.
3) The king was frightened by the presence of a large mob of peasants at his doorstep, fearing a revolt was imminent.