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A Vast Array of Commoners: Unsheathing the Multitude of Peasants

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A Multitude of Peasants refers to a large group of common people, typically living in rural areas, who are engaged in agricultural work or low-skilled manual labor. This collective noun phrase depicts the gathering of numerous individuals who generally come from lower socio-economic backgrounds and live outside of major urban centers. The term peasants often denotes individuals who depend on traditional farming methods for their livelihoods, and are known for leading simple lives close to the land. The presence of a multitude emphasizes the local significance and density of this community, highlighting the large number of individuals sharing similar social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. This noun phrase suggests an image of camaraderie, shared struggles, and a resilient spirit as the peasants work collectively towards common goals, adapting to their circumstances and preserving traditions handed down through generations. It encapsulates the idea of a vital, grassroots society connected through interdependence and solidarity.

Example sentences using Multitude of Peasants

1) As the king passed through the village, a multitude of peasants lined up to catch a glimpse of their ruler.

2) The multitude of peasants were wildly excited, waving and cheering as the king waved back with a smile.

3) Despite their humble status, the multitude of peasants were united in their admiration for the royal family.

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