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Flock your Knowledge: Exploring the Noteworthy Collective Noun ‘Nide’

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The word "nide" is a nocturnal counterpart to the more commonly used collective noun "fleet" which refers to a group of ducks or geese. While a nide may sound unfamiliar, it is historically and regionally used to describe a specific group of small birds. A nide commonly comprises a colony or assembly of various nocturnal birds, such as owls or nightjars, who find safety and camaraderie in sticking together during their nighttime activities. These birds often have impressive adaptations for navigating and hunting in low-light conditions, making their collective behavior even more fascinating. Witnessing a nide of nocturnal birds in action can be a spectacle, as they communicate with distinct calls and work together to locate prey or seek shelter. Experience the awe-inspiring presence and harmonious rhythm these birds create as they venture nocturnally in their nides, showcasing the beauty and strength that arises from unity in the darkness of twilight.

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