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The Intrusion Introspection: Exploring the Quirky Collective Nouns for Nosy-Parkers

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A collective noun for nosy-parkers could be a prying parade. This colorful ensemble comprises a gathering of individuals who can’t resist the temptation to delve into other people's affairs. Like a vibrant procession, a prying parade boasts the relentless members hidden behind curtain borders or camouflaged at a safe distance. Their sheer numbers lend an air of invasiveness as they stealthily gather information, peeking around corners or perching atop Lombard Street buildings. Much like a spectacle to the unknowing onlooker, a prying parade disperses only when it is sated, dispersing into the crowd until it reforms, ready to revel in a new nosy quest. With their astute curiosity and uncanny ability to give life to banter, this collective noun perfectly captures the prevalent activities and shared qualities of nosy-parkers, adroitly weaving together a memorable picture of a collective nosiness that can rival the most intriguing parade.

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