Obeisance of Devotees is a collective noun phrase that describes a group of individuals who profoundly demonstrate deep respect, loyalty, and devotion towards a person, deity, or a cause. Obeisance signifies a highly respectful and honoring gesture, often displayed through acts of reverence, gratitude, submission, or deference. The phrase encompasses a sense of reverence and spiritual dedication, implying that the individuals within this collective noun phrase have a strong belief and faith in what or whom they are devoted to. Whether it is kneeling, bowing, praying, or engaging in ceremonial rituals, this group of devoted individuals wholeheartedly exhibits their unwavering commitment and admiration. An Obeisance of Devotees captures the essence of a unified community humbled by their chosen faith or cause, exemplifying respect, humility, and unwavering dedication.
Example sentences using Obeisance of Devotees
1) An obeisance of devotees gathered at the temple, offering their prayers with unwavering faith.
2) Witnessing the grandeur of the deity, the obeisance of devotees bowed in unison, exuding reverence and devotion.
3) The booming chants of the obeisance of devotees filled the air, creating an atmosphere of spiritual energy and divine bliss.