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A Stylish Gathering: Collective Noun Examples with the Word ‘Outfit’

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An outfit, when used as a collective noun, refers to a collection or grouping of clothing items that are worn together to form a complete ensemble. This term can denote a cohesive assembly of garments, accessories, and footwear, designed with similar aesthetics and intended for a specific occasion, style, or purpose. In fashion, an outfit embodies the artistic expression of personal style or the unified costumes of a group, portraying a cohesive and unified appearance.

Collective noun examples with the word "outfit" can range from different contexts and purposes, showcasing the versatility of this term. For instance, in a theatrical setting, an "outfit" refers to the coordinated clothing and accessories worn by performers to create a distinct visual identity for their character. Similarly, in a ballet ensemble, an "outfit" portrays the harmonious uniforms and attires worn by dancers to deliver a synchronized performance.

In a casual context, an "outfit" can represent a collective noun for a set of items designed for pairing, such as a pantsuit or a coordinated set of polo shirts and shorts. A sports team's uniform, with its standardized apparel and accessories, can also be referred to as an "outfit."

Additionally, in a broader sense, an "outfit" can symbolize the complete attire a person wears in a specific situation, encompassing different articles of clothing, shoes, and complementary accessories. For example, an individual may describe what they wore for a formal event as their "outfit," including their clothing, shoes, jewelry, and other embellishments.

Overall, "outfit" as a collective noun offers a comprehensive way of describing apparel and accessories brought together to form a unified and purposeful ensemble, highlighting the cohesive aspect of dressing and visual presentation in various contexts.

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