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The Notorious Congregation: Delving into Collective Nouns for Outlaws

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Collective nouns refer to a group of individuals, animals, or things. In the case of outlaws, some unique collective nouns can be used to describe a gathering, a multitude, or a gang of these lawless individuals.

1. Gang: The most commonly used collective noun for outlaws is a "gang." It signifies a group of rebels involved in unlawful activities, operating outside the boundaries of society's rules and regulations.

2. Outlawry: Though not widely recognized, "outlawry" can be used as a collective noun for outlaws. It suggests a gathering of outlaws, emphasizing their collective insurgency against legal authority.

3. Horde: This collective noun conjures an image of a large, disorderly mass of outlaws. It implies an undisciplined and rowdy assembly under no conventional control, striking fear among the common folks.

4. Ravenous: A more abstract collective noun for outlaws, "ravenous" signifies a group driven by insatiable desires or survival instincts. It portrays them as individuals who will seize any opportunity for personal gain, regardless of legality.

5. Rogue Assembly: By describing outlaws as a "rogue assembly," it connotes an organized, tightly-knit group engaging in illicit operations, often challenging the established authority and traditional order.

6. Banditti: This collective noun, derived from the Italian word bandito (meaning bandit), portrays outlaws as a highway robbers' gang. The term carries an air of mystique and danger surrounding these roving criminals.

7. Mob: While typically associated with riots or public disturbances, "mob" can also be adapted as a collective noun for outlaws. It characterizes them as a menacing and uncontrolled bunch of individuals acting as one force.

8. Syndicate: Originating from the world of organized crime, "syndicate" refers to a network or collective of outlaw figures working together to promote their illicit activities. It implies a power structure and collaboration among dangerous characters.

These collective nouns offer imaginative and descriptive ways to portray a group of outlaws, showcasing their defiance of the law and the potential danger they represent.

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