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The Bountiful Patch of Rice: Cultivating Rice Agriculture’s Source of Nourishment and Culture

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A Patch of Rice is a collective noun phrase that refers to an area of land where rice is cultivated. It typically denotes a small plot or field where the crop is grown, often in a paddy field characterized by flooded conditions. The word patch conveys a sense of a distinct and relatively small portion of land, while rice highlights the specific crop being cultivated. This phrase evokes imagery of a vibrant and lush landscape teeming with rows of leafy rice plants, ready to be harvested and contribute to the staple food source for millions of people worldwide. The collective noun phrase patch of rice encapsulates the significance and practicality of rice cultivation as a fundamental aspect of agriculture, sustenance, and cultural heritage in various regions across the globe.

Example sentences using Patch of Rice

1) A patch of rice fields stretched out before my eyes, vibrant green stalks swaying gently in the breeze.

2) Farmers worked tirelessly in the patch of rice, carefully tending to each plant.

3) The aroma of fresh steamed rice wafted through the air, reminding me of the collective effort it took to nurture a patch of rice to maturity.

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