A collective noun for playgrounds is a hustle. A hustle refers to a lively and joyful gathering of children, their laughter echoing through the air as they engage in various activities on playgrounds. It is a delightful sight to see kids swinging, sliding, climbing, and running around in an energetic frenzy, embodying the spirit of pure fun and adventure. A hustle vividly captures the dynamic atmosphere of a playground, forming a unified collective of children bound by their shared enthusiasm for play. Whether it's mingling on a jungle gym, forming teams on sports fields, or taking turns on vibrant and inviting play structures, a hustle symbolizes the vibrant, bubbling energy that emanates from the heart of a playground.
A Park of Playgrounds is a vibrant and exciting collection of multiple playgrounds located within a single area or park. This exceptional hub is designed to provide an abundant variety of imaginative and recreational opportunities for children of all ages...
Example sentence: The city of New York boasts a park of playgrounds, with a variety of equipment, from swings to slides and climbing frames