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Gaggle, bevy, covey or drift: Exploring the Enchanting Collective Nouns for Quails

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A collective noun for quails is a covey. A covey refers to a group or flock of quails coming together as a cohesive unit. These social birds, known for their small, plump bodies and beautifully patterned feathers, exhibit strong gregarious behavior where they prefer to live in groups of varying sizes. The term "covey" beautifully captures their sociable nature, as it symbolizes their joint movement, feeding, and communication while maintaining collective safety. Whether seen in fields, meadows, or forest edges, a covey of quails maintains a sense of unity, finding protection in numbers while scavenging for food, brooding eggs, or retreating from potential threats. This collective noun underscores the charm and unity that defines the dynamics of a group of quails, representing their instinctually bonded existence within a larger avian community.

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