Collective nouns for quotes refer to a group of phrases or passages that are noteworthy or memorable. These are a collection of written or spoken words that have been carefully crafted, often having a profound impact on people's thoughts or evoking strong emotions. These collective nouns encapsulate the power of language and the beauty of human expression.
A medley of quotes: Like a medley of melodious tunes, this collection of quotes encompasses a range of emotions, ideas, and perspectives that leave a lasting impression on those who hear or read them. This collective noun represents a harmonious blend of various quotes that together create a rich tapestry of wisdom and insight.
A tapestry of quotes: This collective noun conjures up an image of a meticulously woven fabric made up of individual quotes. Each quote serves as a thread, and when interwoven, they form a breathtaking tapestry that depicts a diverse array of experiences, beliefs, and truths. This collective noun recognizes the intricate beauty and interconnectedness of quotes.
A chorus of quotes: Like voices harmonizing in a song, a chorus of quotes captures the power of collective expression. Each quote elevates the impact of the others, creating a resounding effect that resonates deeply within those who hear or read them. This collective noun symbolizes the strength that lies in unity and the collective voice of many thought-provoking quotes singing in unison.
A constellation of quotes: Just as stars form intricate patterns in the night sky, a constellation of quotes represents various ideas and inspirations that form a cohesive and brilliant whole. This collective noun acknowledges the interconnectedness of quotes, where each quote serves as a celestial body in a vast universe of wisdom and inspiration.
A mosaic of quotes: Picturing a kaleidoscope of colorful fragments, a mosaic of quotes represents a compilation of diverse quotes and perspectives. Each quote is like a piece of shattered glass, unique and insightful on its own, but when put together, form a vibrant, coherent image that celebrates the complexities of life, love, and human experiences.
These collective nouns for quotes encapsulate the power and impact of words when gathered together, representing the valuable essence of collective wisdom, inspiration, and profound truths.
List of Quotes is a collective noun phrase that brings together a compilation of notable and insightful quotations. This list comprises a plethora of expressions that encapsulate the wisdom, humor, inspiration, or profound experiences of renowned individu...
Example sentence: Here is a list of quotes that I found from famous writers and philosophers