Collective nouns for results are special names that are used to describe a group or collection of outcomes or achievements. These nouns are often used in contexts where a number of independent efforts or actions have been measured, evaluated, or compared to reveal a cumulative outcome. They provide a succinct way to discuss the overall findings, accomplishments, or impacts of multiple components.
One example of a collective noun for results is "compilation," which refers to the combination or assembly of individual outcomes or achievements into a single comprehensive entity. A compilation brings together various contributions or outputs, allowing for a broader assessment of the overall success or significance.
Another collective noun for results is "aggregate," which denotes a total or sum derived from the accumulation or grouping of multiple components or measurements. The term "aggregate" acknowledges the merging of separate elements to derive a comprehensive result, emphasizing the combined effect rather than individual units.
Furthermore, the word "summary" can also be considered a collective noun for results, as it signifies a concise overview or overview of key findings. A summary provides a compact and accessible representation of the main outcomes, offering a synthesized representation rather than a detailed analysis.
These collective nouns for results play a crucial role in facilitating clarity and efficiency in discussing or presenting multiple outcomes. They enable speakers or writers to communicate succinctly about the overall significance, impact, or patterns observed, saving time and avoiding a tedious enumeration or repetition of individual results.
A set of results refers to a collection or grouping of outcomes or findings stemming from experimental or analytical processes. It represents the comprehensive compilation of all the gathered data, measurements, statistics, observations, or conclusions ob...
Example sentence: The researchers analyzed the set of results obtained from their experiments
A chain of results is a conceptual and metaphorical way to describe a specific sequence of outcomes or events that are interdependent and linked together, symbolizing the domino effect of cause and effect. This collective noun phrase implies a continual f...
Example sentence: The chain of results became evident as each step of the research process was meticulously conducted
A cluster of results is a term used to collectively describe a group or collection of outcomes or findings obtained from a study, analysis, experiment, or investigation. It refers to the assemblage or aggregation of various data points, conclusions, facts...
Example sentence: After conducting several experiments, we found that a cluster of results supported our hypothesis
A Compilation of Results is a term used to describe a collection or assembly of various outcomes, findings, or data from different sources or experiments. It implies a comprehensive gathering of information for analysis or evaluation purposes. This collec...
Example sentence: The compilation of results from the study indicates that the new treatment is effective in reducing symptoms
Group of Results is a collective noun phrase used to refer to a collection or batch of outcomes, findings, or achievements compiled or produced through a shared endeavor or effort. It captures the essence of collaboration or collective contribution leadin...
Example sentence: In the supermarket, a group of results indicated that customers preferred the newly launched cereal brand over the old one
A collection of results refers to an assemblage or grouping of various outcomes, findings, or conclusions obtained from research, experiments, tests, studies, or investigations. It denotes the accumulation of data or information gathered over a period of ...
Example sentence: The collection of results from the experiment showed significant differences between the control group and the experimental group
An array of results is a collective noun phrase that refers to a collection or assortment of outcomes, findings, evaluations, or achievements obtained from a particular task, experiment, study, or analysis. Typically used in research, data analysis, or an...
Example sentence: The researchers carefully analyzed the array of results to draw meaningful conclusions from the data
A portfolio of results refers to a collection or group of accomplished objectives, achievements, or outcomes that have significant value or significance. It may encompass a wide range of successful projects, initiatives, research findings, or other measur...
Example sentence: The portfolio of results presented by the team highlighted the success of their various projects
An Aggregation of Results is a collective noun phrase that refers to the assemblage or gathering of various outcomes or findings stemming from experiments, investigations, surveys, research studies, or statistical data analysis. It highlights the process ...
Example sentence: The aggregation of results from various experiments helps researchers identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions
A batch of results is a collective noun phrase that refers to a group or assortment of outcomes, findings, or achievements. It conveys the notion of multiple results being gathered or processed together as part of a systematic or organized process. Whethe...
Example sentence: The teacher received a batch of results from the students' recent exams