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When a ‘Sentence’ Becomes a Squad: Collective Noun Examples to Define Your Phrases

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A collective noun refers to a group or collection of people, animals, objects, or concepts that are considered as one entity. In the English language, collective nouns often imply a singular reference despite being applied to a group. Here are a few examples of collective nouns used in sentences:

1) "A flock of birds flew across the sky." - Here, "flock" describes a grouping of birds flying together, emphasizing their unity and coordinated movement as a collective.

2) "The jury reached a verdict." - In this sentence, "jury" represents a group of individuals chosen to decide the outcome of a trial. Despite consisting of multiple jurors, the use of the singular "jury" highlights their collective role in reaching a verdict.

3) "The team celebrated their victory." - "Team" signifies a group of players working together towards a common goal. Although the sentence uses "their" to acknowledge multiple individuals, the focus remains on the unison and achievement of the team as a whole.

4) "My family enjoys gathering for dinner every Sunday." - "Family" denotes individuals belonging to the same household or with shared ancestry. While it encompasses multiple members, the collective noun "family" encapsulates their bond and shared experiences.

5) "The swarm of bees was buzzing near the flowers." - Here, "swarm" refers to a large group of bees that are together in flight or action. It illustrates how the bees function as a unified and cohesive unit despite the individual characteristics of each member.

Ultimately, collective nouns serve to simplify language and contribute to meaningful descriptions by conveying a collective entity as singular – combining multiple elements into a single word or concept.

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