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Shimmer and Shine: Unleashing the Glittering Collective Nouns for Sequins

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Collective nouns are words used to describe groups or collections of individuals or things. While there is no specifically recognized collective noun for sequins, we can create an imaginative term to describe a group of sequins collectively.

Given their shimmering, reflective nature and association with glamour and fashion, we can dub a collection or group of sequins as a "glisten" of sequins. A glisten represents not just the visual appeal and sparkle that sequins bring to any fabric or surface but also captures the sense of allure and radiance they hold when taken together.

Much like a glisten of sequins beautifully adorns an outfit, this term possess an aura of elegance and sophistication. Whether a glisten is arranged in a shimmering cascade or meticulously embroidered into a design, these collective nouns embody the magic and enchantment that sequins bring to the world of fashion and creativity.

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