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Slate of Collective Noun Examples: Exploring the Strength in Numbers!

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Collective nouns are used to describe a group of people, animals or things. In the case of the word "slate," there are several collective noun examples that are linked to different contexts.

1. A slate of candidates: This collective noun refers to a group of individuals who are running for political office, specifically those competing for positions in an election. For example, during election season, a slate of candidates would entail all the people seeking various offices in a particular political party.

2. A slate of students: This collective noun represents a group of learners, typically in an academic setting. It refers to students who are together in the same class or pursuing a particular field of study. One could say, "The biology department has a new slate of students who recently joined the program."

3. A slate of tasks: This collective noun pertains to a list or schedule of duties or assignments. Common in professional environments or project management, it denotes a compilation of responsibilities for individuals and teams working towards a common goal. For example, a manager may assign a slate of tasks to their team members for completion within a defined timeframe.

4. A slate of judges: This collective noun describes a panel or group of individuals chosen to evaluate, score, or decide upon something, often in a competition or performance. For instance, at a science fair, a slate of judges would be responsible for assessing and choosing the winners among the presented projects.

It is important to note that collective nouns are flexible in their usage and can vary depending on the context and the specific group or items being referred to. The examples above exemplify the different usage I of the collective noun "slate" in various scenarios.


Slate of Candidates

A slate of candidates refers to a group or list of individuals who are nominated or put forward to compete for a position or office. The term slate originates from the tradition of writing the names of candidates on a small board made of slate for public ...

Example sentence: The slate of candidates for this election is an impressive group of individuals, each with their unique qualifications and strengths



Slate of Politicians

A slate of politicians refers to a group or list of political candidates who are competing for elected positions. This collective noun phrase encapsulates the concept of multiple individuals vying for various offices within a government system, such as lo...

Example sentence: A slate of politicians from various parties convened to discuss the nation's pressing issues



Slate of Nominees

A slate of nominees refers to a carefully selected group of individuals who have been put forth as candidates for a particular position, award, or recognition. In essence, it represents a comprehensive list or panel of potential candidates assembled with ...

Example sentence: The slate of nominees for the prestigious award was filled with talented individuals from various industries



Slate of Contenders

Slate of contenders refers to a collective noun phrase that encapsulates a diverse group of individuals who are all vying or competing for a particular position, title, honor, or recognition. The term slate suggests a list or lineup where each contender's...

Example sentence: The slate of contenders for this year's political election is diverse and carefully selected



Slate of Competitors

A slate of competitors is a term used to describe a group or panel of individuals who are competing against each other in a particular event or competition. The term slate signifies a list or schedule of contestants, leading to the concept of a collective...

Example sentence: The slate of competitors in the figure skating competition was filled with exceptional talent and skill



Slate of Hopefuls

A Slate of Hopefuls refers to a group or assortment of individuals who are aspiring or striving towards a common goal or position. The term slate denotes a list or a set of candidates, typically in the context of an election, competition, or selection pro...

Example sentence: A slate of hopefuls, comprising a diverse group of young entrepreneurs, eagerly gathered to pitch their innovative ideas to potential investors



Slate of Election Candidates

A slate of election candidates refers to a group or list of individuals who are participating in an election for various positions within a political or organizational context. This collective noun phrase highlights the process of assembling a comprehensi...

Example sentence: The slate of election candidates presented a diverse pool of individuals, each bringing their unique qualifications and perspectives



Slate of Party Candidates

A slate of party candidates refers to a group or list of individuals that belong to the same political party and are nominated or put forward to represent that party in an election. This cohesive collective noun phrase represents a carefully curated selec...

Example sentence: The slate of party candidates consisted of diverse individuals with a range of political and professional backgrounds



Slate of Presidential Candidates

Slate of Presidential Candidates refers to a group or selection of individuals vying for the position of President in an electoral campaign or primary elections. This collective noun phrase suggests an assembly of potential candidates who, through a range...

Example sentence: The media has been closely monitoring the slate of presidential candidates as election day approaches



Slate of Parliamentary Candidates

A slate of parliamentary candidates refers to a group of individuals who have been put forward and endorsed by a particular political party or organization to stand as candidates in an upcoming parliamentary election. This collective noun phrase reflects ...

Example sentence: The slate of parliamentary candidates brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds and ideologies who aim to represent their constituents' interests

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